En ccs, estamos dedicados a ofrecer soluciones excepcionales que satisfacen las necesidades únicas de nuestros clientes. Nuestra gama de servicios está diseñada para ayudar a nuestros SOCIOS ESTRATEGICOS a alcanzar sus objetivos, mejorar su rendimiento y superar los desafíos.
Implementing highly competitive strategies for the sale of products such as credit cards, loans, among others, has helped our partners to position themselves in the market.
A strategy of predictive dialing calls is maintained, which allows us to saturate our portfolios. Also using a record of assigned customers; It will be governed according to the parameters authorized by the company.
CCS has the structure of both a call center and a motorized team. Allowing you to offer our strategic partners data verifications, which allows them to extend credit in a more reliable way.
Customer service is in charge of providing help, support and advice to our customers to provide them with an experience through contact through channels, knowing that this is a fundamental element in the organization, our focus is on providing partners with services of a high competitive level.
A strategy of predictive dialing calls is maintained, which allows us to saturate our portfolios. Also using a record of assigned customers; It will be governed according to the parameters authorized by the company.
CCS offers the services of surveys and polls via telephone, providing you with reliable statistics that can provide specific information about the objectives required by our clients.
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Col. La Alameda, edificio corporativo del Hotel Clarión.
Tel. 2242-6540
correo: talento.humano@contactcenterccs.hn
Lunes-Viernes 8am – 5pm
Sábados 8am – 112pm