Col. La Alameda Edificio corporativo del Hotel Clarión.


Lunes - Viernes: 8am - 5pm Sábados: 8am - 12pm

somos una familia

CCS Activities

At CCS, exercising the teamwork method has a high level of importance, since we believe in leadership, communication, listening, synergy and above all the encouragement of our collaborators.

actividad motivacional 

Rifas de 3 bonos de 2,500 lempiras

En CCS cada miembro de nuestro equipo aporta algo invaluable, y juntos formamos una fuerza imparable que impulsa nuestro éxito y crecimiento.

Día de las madres

As a company we are a family, therefore it is essential to generate special moments with our beautiful collaborators for Mother's Day, we hope you have enjoyed this day.

Día del padre

We are excited to celebrate with our employees who are parents, thank you for considering CCS as our second home.

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